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Black — Still: Narratives

  • Craft Contemporary Courtyard 5814 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA, 90036 United States (map)

12pm-1:30: Storytelling with A New Way of Life
2pm-3:30: Affirmations with BEAM

At noon, A New Way of Life sharedd their “Testif-i | Storytelling for Change” platform, which empowers formerly incarcerated women and their children to share their truth, trauma, and triumph. This day’s Testif-i session was offered by moderator Pamela Marshall and Evie, a member of the 2022 Testif-i cohort. Attendees first listened to Evie's 2022 Testif-i testimony and then joined them in an intimate conversation and learned more about their experiences with mass incarceration and reentry.

As this was an intimate event, participation was limited to 20. This workshop was best suited to adults as content may have been difficult and emotional, but also empowering and uplifting.

The afternoon continued with the Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective’s (BEAM) “Dear Black People” affirmation project, designed to disrupt public space by providing messages of radical love for Black people. Each affirmation spoke to some of the unique challenges that different Black communities face, and provided a reframing dialogue that combated narratives of self-hate rooted in patriarchy, sexism, transphobia, and homophobia. BEAM is, additionally, a resource that provides guidance on mental health services, events, tools, etc. to support folks on their healing journeys. 

Participation in BEAM’s workshop was limited to 20.

These events were free and open to the public. RSVPs were required.

June 25

Black — Still: Movement

July 21

Day/Dream: Readings with Vanessa Holyoak and hannah rubin